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Welcome to ALadyofLeisure.com

by Sarah Bridge


Welcome to ALadyofLeisure.com! As a journalist covering the leisure sector for a national newspaper, I am lucky enough to spend a lot of my time having amazing experiences and meeting fascinating people. From visiting new restaurants, bar and breweries, sampling new types of food and drink, checking out new holiday concepts and resorts, visiting theme parks, watching sporting events and trying out the latest health and fitness trends, there is an lot to write about in the leisure sector.

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From country house hotels, to spas, budget hotels and bars, restaurants and live events, to overseas destinations from near the North Pole to the Antarctic, you’ll find travel inspiration for any season and any budget.

All opinions are my own, and writing about something doesn’t mean I’m endorsing it in any way, but rather that it’s something I find fun and fascinating and I think that you might too. I look forward to your feedback and recommendations of other things to do, visit, watch, taste and review. So for luxury hotel, restaurant, spa, bar, holidays and leisure experiences, please subscribe to ALadyofLeisure.com and please do let me know what you think!

Whether it’s recommendations, feedback or just to say hello I’d love to hear from you! I can be reached on email at [email protected] or on any of these social media platforms:






Looking forward to hearing from you!

All the best,



All the best,

Sarah Bridge